Under the Step 1: Specify a name for this rule heading, type a name for the auto-reply rule, and then click on Finish.
Confirm by clicking OK Without an Exchange Account (Outlook 2010 and 2013) If you'd like to set an automatic reply without an Exchange account, you need to first create a message template.. Type a name for your message template and then click on Save Once you've saved your template, it's time to create your inbox rule.
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If necessary, check any exceptions you'd like to make to your auto-reply rule, and then click on Next. Tumblr Launches New App For Mac

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With an Exchange Account (Outlook 2010 and 2013) Click the File tab and then click on Info in the menu that appears.. (Note that most users choose not to check any items ) Next, head to the section labeled What do you want to do with the message? Check reply using a specific template and then edit the rule description.. Click Home > Rules > Manage Rules & Alerts In the Rules and Alerts box, select the New Rule option.. Then select Automatic Replies (this tab will not be displayed if you do not have an Exchange account).. If you will be out of the office (or otherwise away from your email), people who send you messages may wonder why.. From Outlook's Tools menu, select Out of Office Out of Office Auto-Reply in Outlook 2011 for Mac.. Click on the Home tab > New email message In the message body, type the message that you want to send as your automated reply.. Under Which condition(s) do you want to check?, check any criteria that you would like to set, followed by Next. 518b7cbc7d